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My Journey

I was a young teenage boy in the late 90’s , when I first heard about ska-music… I fell in love , instantly..

i just loved that uptempo offbeat , the brass , and the kind of umba-umba riddim .

So i took a musical jouney , in my urge for

more of this genre..

I discovered alot of different

bands from all over the world…


it was the 90’s kind of ska…

Would never had thought the root of this ,

came from the late 50’s , in Jamaica

It wasen’t as easy as today , to find music back then…

You had to find special store , be lucky to find a CD with a collection  of various artists , in the ska genre…

It was , and still is .. a endless jouney…

I will never forget the moment , when a friend of mine took up a tape casette , and said : try listen to this…

I was blown away , that sound of ska , just hit me

more than any ska music i had heard…

A group called The Specials…

It took me on a new path on my jouney…

To british 70’s-80’s ska… also called 2tone .

and i discovered so much interesting music and was also given , the story of jamaican music ..

From that moment , i was taken .

And i went deep into that , kept going deeper and deeper Especially one name got me thrilled .. The Ska-talites !

I did know that name , and had heard a few tunes from Them on my journey , i think it was “latin goes ska” “phoenix city” and maybe some others …but when i got into those guys , nothing else would matter .


That was it for me , and the more tunes i found , the more love i got ..


I noticed the trombone player in the band ..

he really impressed me …


Don Drummond was the name…

I did know that name ... 

because i had seen it before and heard maybe two tracks with that name , i Think it was “fidel castro” and “alipang”

But at that time , i just heard some strange music …


Now I had to hear everything by The Ska-talites !

But the most of what i could find ,

was a kind of new recordings ..

And wasent quite the music i fell in love with …


But at this time the internet was getting big ,

this could help me in my research,

and made it possible for me to buy records

from all over the world


and i was always on the hunt for lost treasures …

Everytime i bumped into a track , i diden't know ,

my expetations when pressing play ,

was very high , and mostly , i was never disapointed.


I learned the history of the band ,

that they were musicians used in

different constellations , 

as a studio recording band.

But got together as a band ,

and rocked the music scene in

jamaica from 1963 to 1965..


I fell that the real original jamaican ska ,

enden with the jailing of Don Drummond .


My love for Don Drummond grew larger and larger,

could never get enough..


I listen to his music everyday ,

and every piece of music he is in ,

somthing unique is there .


when i hear some of the great vocal oldies , and a trombone solo is starting , i just know when it is Don …


And also when it is some of the members of

The Ska-talites playing …

I'm a spare time musician myself, not learned ..

self learned ..

Don Drummond made me buy a trombone,

because of the sound he could bring from that instrument ..


And got me started to write his music down as sheet music , still without any kind of schooling .

An uncountable number of hours used listening again and again , gave me results , and actually gave me more insight in some of him tunes , when seeing the music in tones ,because some of the recordings hide the greatness of the scales and melody…


I succeded writing down some of the tunes , and had in mind , of sharing it .



Don Drummond

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